Loans & Installments


If you have credit card or loan with U.A.E. banks and you cannot continue with the payment of your installment, please note, we advise you to make balance in your payment in order to always keep your overdue for one months or less in respect to your loan’s installment only to avoid any criminal action against you.
In interim you are invited to request the bank to restructure your payment plan if your age is not close to 60 years old.


Landlord vs Tenants


When can you terminate your tenancy contract ?

1- If the tenant defaults in payment up to 3 months then the landlord has to send a legal notice only for a month and then he can  terminate the contract immediately and get an order for eviction through rental dispute center
2- Send one year notarized legal notice which should indicated the reason of termination along with evidence as follows:

1- Personal Use
2- Illegally Stay
3- Court/or Government’s order
4- Default in payment


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